Monday, April 6, 2009

Tweet, Tweet.

Wow, this "social network" thing is exploding and I'm trying my best to keep up with it all. Blogs, Facebook, Ravelry, Flickr, YouTube, Etsy and now...Twitter! My goal is to not get overwhelmed by all of this and to simply have fun connecting in new ways.

Is anyone else on Twitter, yet? If not, check it out and see if you are interested in "twitting". The more I learn about it the more potential I see with it. Once you're on, let me know, and I'll share some cool sites that teach you how to post little 12 second videos, pictures and more.

Come tweet with me. My user name is: FreeSpiritKnits.

Also, I wanted to share that in addition to this site, I've restarted my own personal blog:

How do you feel about all of these new ways of connecting to people across the globe?

p.s. I have to thank my hubbie, Chris, for all the cool photographs. This is a sculpture he made for our local Children's Mercy Hospital. It hangs in their lobby and is 9 x 11 feet.


Dayle Doroshow said...

HI Shannon- I actually hate the idea of all these other things- Facebook, Twitter ect ect. I already feel too split in too many directions with too many things to check in on and keep up with. I feel like I barely have a handle on "real time" real reality things-in my hands, full attention, in the her and now. I don't plan to join any of them unless I am forced kicking and screaming to do it. And I am hoping(probably a ridiculous hope) that it cycles out of fashion.

Shannon said...

Ha ha. I know what you mean. I guess I'm really trying to have them "work" for me. My practice these days is "integration" so yes, there have been moments when I feel so split in many different directions. For me, I need things to connect and tie together and integrate. If it doesn't fit I have to let it go. So for all the "social network" has to feel like it is supporting my art, my coaching, my connection and if I find it's just wasting my time (which I find can really happen especially on Facebook!) then I gotta let it go.

Thanks for sharing. I appreciate you so much.

mary kinney said...

You know, I still have problems loading my dvd, I think I'll steer clear of facebook and twitter. If I can use my photo shop in my art, I think that'll be enough for me. More techno things will be coming at ya, pick and choose wisely, (grasshoppa)

Corinne said...

I joined and am now following you. Let me know about the videos, etc..... I find that as in a lot of areas in my life that the more I have going on the more connected I feel and yes, when something isn't working for me or taking too much time then I just let it go. Twitter sounds fun and easy and takes just seconds to post and connect. I'm giving it a try :)