Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nailed it

As usual, Shannon, you've exactly captured all the best of worst of being a Mom, the need to not lose yourself, and yet the reality of other people needing you and feeling such responsibility. All I can say is i've been there, and i guess there are no easy answers, or final answers. I find the answer, for me, is constantly changing. and that ambiguity is as tough to deal with as everything else. and yet, for now, it seems to work. knowing that this level of need from Frye (my son) won't last forever, nor will the flu. that tomorrow he may have two good naps and i'll get work done, or he won't and i won't. but that he might the next day.

after all i think all of life is a struggle for balance, just when you've got it something else comes along to knock you for a loop, but that's what its about right?

hang in there, and let me know when you figure it out so i can too.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

dearest lins-
thank you for that. you are so right...i believe taking it one day, and many times hour by hour, or really even minute by minute, is the only way to go. then-there's no room for expectations and then no room for disappointments or frustration. it just is.

and what i have in this moment is the fact that my beautiful baby boy still fits in my arms and he looks at me like i'm the only human alive who he could love that much and then i realize....everything is OK.