Thursday, September 3, 2009

Warhol Time Capsules

I heard an interesting piece the other time on Warhol's "time capsules" basically a bunch of boxes that he put things away in. I thought a few of you time enjoy these pieces. I can't find the interview online - here are a few related links:

As I've been struggling to find time for art with my daughter now in my life it makes we wonder how I can look at the clutter in my office and everyday things more as a piece of art that I'm nurturing into existence and how can I make the pieces I want to work on more a part of my everyday.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

These are great topics to think about. I notice I start to feel kind of "crazy" when I'm surrounded by the clutter. Which happens to be about every day!

Also, I'm curious about the time capsule idea. It makes me wonder - hmm...If I started a time capsule - what would I put it in? Also, If I could only take my 10 most valuable items with me, and let go of the rest, what would those be?

Thanks for the inspiration for pondering. :)