Monday, February 23, 2009

Do you journal?

As I sit here this brisk Monday morning with my coffee in hand, and Kestan peacefully napping, I've been given some unexpected quiet time to reflect on a transformational weekend I just had. The thoughts are still swirling around which tells me it's time to journal. As much as I love typing, nothing beats putting pencil to paper. I guess it's like knitting - feeling the needles, the yarn, the texture - and getting the opportunity to watch my hands create something concrete while my mind settles and finds stillness.

Do any of you journal? If so, I'd love to hear about it. Why do you write? What do you write about? Do you share your journal entries with others? Do you save your journals? How has writing your thoughts and feelings helped you in your life?

I'll do some reflecting on these questions, too, and share more soon.

Happy writing, knitting or whatever you are doing today to express the full you!


Dayle Doroshow said...

HI Shannon and other Babes, I do journal, but off and on. Usually it is a combination of visuals- sketches ideas etc.- and thoughts about where I "am" at the moment.
I seem to do more writing when I am dissatisfied with something or trying to work out goals etc and more visuals when I am in a creative place. I am not opposed to others looking at them- I take them with me to workshops if it is something helpful for the students to see- but don't usually officially show them to anyone. I wish I could be much more consistent in keeping a daily journal- but it doesn't seem to work for me. In trying to write once a week on my website it's a kind of journaling too.

mary kinney said...

Posing good questions, Shannon. I want to hear about your transformational weekend! I journal thought, and like Dayle, it's usually when there is a conflict or dissatisfaction. I try to keep a sketch book, but not often enough.

Katia Nyysti said...

I too want to hear about your weekend. I've journaled for years and feel like it's provided me a space for guidance that no other vehicle has offered me. I have most of all my journals under my desk and not sure what will transpire from them. I've kept yearly themed visual journals exploring a theme for a year. I've done artist pages. For the past few years i've done a combiniation of visual, written and work journal. Every Dec I finish my current journal with my takeaways from the previous year and in Jan I start a new journal with my intentions for the year. Since Natalie has been born I've only journaled a bit here and there. i've been thinking a lot about how to bring it back into my life now that my time isn't always mine.

Katia Nyysti said...

I forgot to mention that I have two journals that I share with two other people. One is a visual journey between my artist friend Laura. We've doing it for over 3 years and just mail it back and forth whenever we feel inspired. The other is a journal my sister and I have. We mostly write about life. I think pulling out Laura's and mine's journal and getting it off next week would be a great fun nurturing artistic adventure (related to my post today) - oh so looking forward to that - thanks for the inspiration

Shannon said...

Hey all-
I'll talk more about my transforming weekend when my brain is rested.

Katia...were you able to read your journals over the weekend?

And..I love that you have shared visual journals with your friends. How amazing and wonderful! You've inspired me in so many ways.

Corinne said...

I love the idea of a shared journal with my sisters who live so far away. Great idea. I journal with my boyfriend. We live together and we have a son, Malachy. We leave journal entries for each other. It could be something bothering us or just wanting to say "I love you". It has really been a wonderful addition to our relationship.